Academics’ attitudes towards applying online methodology in the Turkish Universities

Academics’ attitudes towards applying online methodology in the Turkish Universities


Dr. Abdulkarim Jamoos. Associate Professor, Tripoli University, Lebanon

Dr. Abdullah Hanano. Scholar and academic prof


The paper aims to identify the attitudes of the academics towards applying online methodology in the Turkish Universities. The two scholars used the descriptive approach. The sample is of 29 academics in Turkey ranging lecturers, assistant professors and professors. The study used a form as a study tool to collect information, after testing the validity and reliability of it. The results showed that:

  • 69% of members of the sample are either neutral or disapprove of the idea that online education contributed to the promotion of education
  • 80% see that technical applications enrich the online education
  • 44% see that the future of education represented in the online education

As for the methods used for conducting education online, the method of conducting dialogue and dispute ranked first with 89%, lecturing came next with 75%. 80% of members of the sample argue that if to choose between the face-to-face teaching and online one, they’d choose the face-to-face one. Half of the members, approximately, believe that the online education achieved 60% of the goals set. 

Key words: methodology – online education – academics’ attitudes – teaching techniques
