The Impact of the Father’s Long-term Absence from Home on the Upbringing of Children “A Descriptive and Analytical Study from the Parents’ Perspective”

The Impact of the Father’s Long-term Absence from Home on the Upbringing of Children “A Descriptive and Analytical Study from the Parents’ Perspective”

Dr. Faisal Al-Bakkar


The study aims to verify the impact of the father’s long-term absence from home on the upbringing of children. It also aims to identify the absence reasons and offer practical procedure to overcome it. The researcher made use of the descriptive and analytical approach. The arbitrarily chosen study sample consisted of 103 respondents of fathers and mothers inhabiting Gaziantep district. The researcher used a Questionnaire as a tool for data collecting. The results of the study were:

  • In 60.19% of the cases. The mother is obliged to play the role of the father and the mother both.
  • In 45.63% of the cases, the children face difficulties coping socially with the surrounding environment.
  • In 47.57% of the cases, the parents neglect their children because of work pressures.
  • No statistically significant differences found between the average of responses of the sample participants in terms of sex variable (male and female), and the variable of the parents’ educational level and that of the number of family members.

Key Words: effect, father’s absence, upbringing.
