The Center of Midad for Educational Researches and Studies
The Center
A research establishment specialized in educational and pedagogical studies mainly interested in the needs of the Syrian society in particular inside Syria and outside, in refuge countries. The center is affiliated with the institution of education without borders/Midad, with a scientific independence and its own administrational structure.
Our Vision
-To narrow the gap between knowledge and decision making in the educational institutions established in the Syrian community
-To provide strategic analyses and studies with depth and professionality, proper in terms of factuality, applicability and timing of submitting.
Our Mission
To tackle cognitive development; to devise scientific and practical solutions about issues of development and recovery of the educational sector; to build connections with local and territorial parties so as to build up such a development based on the usage of international experiences, academic researches and the use of modern IT.
Quality standard and excellence – academic freedom – scientific methodology – constant improvement.
-to closely monitor and pursue the scientific research approaches especially those related to the needs of Syria in special and the world in general as far as education is concerned.
-to promote the capacity of researchers in the field of scientific research and analysis and develop the research capabilities of the young people.
-to encourage creative inputs to cultivate the education sector in the Syrian society which depends on the local resources and abilities.
-to provide the government and the educational administrative sectors in the region with scientific peer-reviewed studies reliable for the layout of future plans to restore and develop the society.
-to enhance the competence and performance of those engaged in different levels of education and build their capabilities to match the needs of the Syrian society.
-to promote the culture of civil peace, de jure equality, and stand up to racism, discrimination and extremism through education.
Areas of action
Unit of Training and qualifying
The aim of the unit is to enhance the effectiveness of personnel and institutions in the field of education through earning them necessary skills to impact their societies, increasing the efficiency of the personnel in the field of education, investing and developing the human resources
Unit of Educational Development
It aims at substantially modifying the learning/teaching process through deeply changing the components of the education system by means of contemporary trends under consideration of different educational, academic and research, institutions.
Unit of Researches and Studies
The unit issues peer-reviewed scientific journals and extended specialized studies. It also holds quality workshops and research scientific conferences, and provides decision makers with scientific consultations, as well, with a view to bringing about the required societal change in decision and politics making in the field of education, so as to meet the societal developing goals in Syria