Obstacles of Using Augmented Reality Technology in Teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students from the Perspective of Special Education Experts
Abdussalam Salim Masoud Al-Bosaifi z5973481@gmail.com |
This study aimed to highlight the main challenges facing the use of augmented reality technology in teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students, with a sample of 70 special education specialists. Utilizing a questionnaire as a tool for data collection, the study employed a descriptive analytical approach to achieve its objectives. Several statistical methods were used, including arithmetic average, standard deviation, relative weight, Pearson correlation coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient, split-half reliability, and the t-test. The results revealed a very high level of agreement among the study sample regarding the questionnaire’s axes. The first-ranked axis identified was (obstacles to the use of augmented reality technology in teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students attributed to the student), followed by (obstacles attributed to the educational process) in second rate, (obstacles related to financial aspects) in third rate, (obstacles related to technical aspects) in fourth rate, and (obstacles attributed to the teacher) in fifth and last rate. Additionally, there were statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample related to gender (male/female) in favor of females, and there were also statistically significant differences in responses attributed to educational institutions in favor of the Al-Jabal Center for the Rehabilitation of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing in Al-Bayda.
Key words: obstacles, augmented reality technology, deaf, hard-of-hearing, special education experts.