The degree of use of Chat GPT in educational practices in schools from the point of view of teachers
Dr. Amal Muhammad Abdullah Al-Badou

Aspects of children’s social, educational and financial rights in Islam
Dr. Moheddine ben lmobarek Abbessi

Effectiveness of a training program based on digital competence in developing critical thinking skills among social studies teachers
Dr. Asaad Hammood Abdullah
Ahmed Baqer Abdulkareem

The First-cycle Teachers’ Competence of Methods of Approaching Pupils with Difficulties of Learning at Schools in the North of Syria
Dr. Abdel Hay Al Mahmoud
AbdulRazzaq Abdulkerim Aliwi
Ahmad Abdulkader Abdullah
Musa Abdo Al-Zaim
Ammar Esam Matr

Ego strength as a modified variable of the relationship between psychological stress and psychological problems among university students
Dr. Siham Abdulaziz
Moneer Hammoud Sheikh Hammoud