A Field Study From the Point of View of the beneficiaries
Assessment of quality of health services offered by the primary health care centers at Al-Bab Territory
A Field Study From the Point of View of the beneficiaries
abdulsalam zakarya
Lecturing Dr. of Bussiness Administration – Syria
The research aims at applying one of the measures used in measuring the service quality of the health centers provided by the primary health care centers at Al-Bab territory affiliated with the humanitarian organizations, in addition to verifying the relative significance of the different dimensions of the health service quality. The researcher embraced the analytical descriptive approach together with SERVPERF scale to measure the perceived and actual quality of the services. The researcher made use if the educational literature and previous studies to build the research tool. The research sample conducted included beneficiaries of the services offered by the primary health care centers of 200 individuals.
The research found out that the quality in questions ranks low and the assessment of the clients of the health centers of the quality perceived is low, and the expected quality of the services of the health services of the clients are high.
Key words: quality of the service – quality of the health service – primary health care