Publishing Standards
1-The 1st page should expose The title of the research, the scholar's name, employer, address, email and date of completing the research. Name of the scholar should not be mentioned in the context of the research for reviewing reasons, nor should there be any references to their entities. Acknowledgements should be implied in an independent page.
2-An Arabic abstract of 150 words should be included in an independent page implying title of the research, 5 key words in Arabic or English, with no reference to the researcher's name or data.
3-Maximum number of pages is 30 pages.
4-Types and forms of writing: A4 page size, line spacing 1.5, margins 2 cm minimum all around (including margins, references, quotations, tables, appendices).
5- Writing Type
For Arabic: traditional Arabic 14
For English Times New Roman 14
6-In case the scholar makes use of any of data collecting tools, a full copy of that tool should be presented accompanying publishing request.
7-To inculcate practical scientific methodology, the journal emphasizes on the availability of the following parts: introduction, issue, questions, significance, aims, limitations, definition of terminology, previous studies, methodology, theoretical and practical frame (if available), results, discussing, recommendations and suggestions.
8-Documenting the resources and references inside the research or in the list of references to be done in accordance with the American Psychological Association 7th edition (APA7) be it English or Arabic.